
    4月23日,国际学术期刊Nature Communications在线发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所景乃禾研究组的最新研究成果“Histone deacetylation promotes mouse neural induction by restricting Nodal-dependent mesendoderm fate”。该工作成功揭示了组蛋白去乙酰化在小鼠神经诱导过程中对多能干细胞神经命运决定的功能,并初步阐明了其中的分子机制。


    神经诱导是小鼠中枢神经系统发育的第一个阶段,伴随着原肠运动起始于胚胎 7.0 天左右。表观遗传修饰对于基因表达及细胞命运决定具有重要调控作用。但是,在小鼠神经诱导过程中,哪种表观遗传修饰参与其中并如何发挥调控功能,仍然是一个没有完全得到解答的科学问题。








    原文链接:Histone deacetylation promotes mouse neural induction by restricting Nodal-dependent mesendoderm fate


    原文摘要:Cell fate determination requires the cooperation between extrinsic signals and intrinsic molecules including transcription factors as well as epigenetic regulators. Nevertheless, how neural fate commitment is regulated by epigenetic modifications remains largely unclear. Here we show that transient histone deacetylation at epiblast stage promotes neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) deficiency in mESCs partially phenocopies the inhibition of histone deacetylation in vitro, and displays reduced incorporation into neural tissues in chimeric mouse embryos in vivo. Mechanistic studies show that Nodal, which is repressed by histone deacetylation, is a direct target of HDAC1. Furthermore, the inhibition of histone deacetylation in the anterior explant of mouse embryos at E7.0 leads to Nodal activation and neural development repression. Thus, our study reveals an intrinsic mechanism that epigenetic histone deacetylation ensures neural fate commitment by restricting Nodal signalling in murine anterior epiblast ex vivo and mESC in vitro.


上一篇: Cell子刊:青岛能源所提出基于植物激素的微藻生物技术新观点